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Site Survey, CAD Drawings and Lease Plan

About Us


Local Planner, also known as LP, is a team of surveyors and CAD technicians. Our team is made up of site surveyors and CAD technicians with a phenomenal management system. Our prime motive is to satisfy our client with our swift service at a very competitive price. Our service starts at only £65.

There are different categories of services we provide. From Architects to General people, all are aided by our services. All of the plans are detailed at a suitable scale with neat drawing quality and a suitable format as per the client’s requirement. Typically, we provide drawings in PDF and DWG formats.

We provide measured site surveys along with existing CAD drawings to reduce our client’s workload at a very competitive rate. Our team even concludes the site survey within one day, which must be the lowest among all. Also, full drawings are submitted within 3-5 working days. They are provided according to the client’s needs.

We also offer lease plans, title plans, and land registry compliant plans as a service.Lease plan drawings or diagrams show which part of a property is included in a lease. It is mainly a floor plan with specific application details for each room. Lease plans are frequently used to give the lessee a comprehensive knowledge of the whole space. Most of the plans are delivered to the client within 48 hours from the time of the site visit, with most plans delivered within 24 hours. Lease plans are drawn in LP with full obedience to the RICS Code of Measuring Practice (6th Edition) and the Land Registry Practice Guide 40.

Our team is available with a Proposed Drawings service too. Proposed Drawings illustrate a proposed design of a building, a room, or any other space according to the client’s requirements. In a proposed drawing, we provide a full set of drawings including all kinds of existing and proposed floor plans, sections, and elevations. Drawings are provided in PDF and DWG formats.

Contact us to discuss your queries. We are here to assist you with our services at a great price.

Why Choose Us

We have different categories for this service, as follows:

  • Plan Compliant with the Land Registry or Lease Plan
  • Site Survey and Existing Drawings
  • Only Floor Plans
  • Only Drawings
  • Proposed Drawings

We provide our services to two categories of clients:

  1. Architects or an Architecture Firm
  2. General Clients/Others

Quite Simply, We make the architect’s work easier by taking their extra hassle into our hands as our team works to provide existing drawings by doing a survey and then draws the building according to the survey draft in DWG format. We conduct Exiting Building’s site survey on very short notice; we even concluded the site survey within 12 hours, which must be the lowest in the industry. Full drawings are submitted within 3-5 working days. They are provided on the basis of the client’s need. All drawings are provided in DWG format with the help of our CAD technicians.

On the other hands, General Clients can get benefitted by our services of Land Registry Compliant Plan/ Lease Plan/ Title plan etc. We provide them on very short notice at an incredible price. All drawings are provided in PDF and DWG formats.

With our team, we are always available to clients to provide high-quality drawings on short notice at a reasonable price.

Contact us to discuss your inquiries. We are here to assist you with our services at a great price.

700 +

Completed Projects

100 +

Happy Clients

8 +

Years Of Experience





It's been a pleasure to engage with them. They are dedicated and went above and above for my existing house drawings. I will undoubtedly recommend it to others. I look forward to working with you on a frequent basis.



Business Owner

They never cease to amaze me. As a business owner, I've often been frustrated by the terrible attitude of new employees. What I enjoy about them is their intuition. You don't have to hold their hands for everything. Excellent work!




They were a pleasure to deal with. Excellent communication and a high-quality end result.




What I admire about about MLP is that they enjoy difficulties and are always striving to achieve their best. Thank you very much! It comes highly recommended.

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